0478 365 219
Abigail "I want God to be not only my Saviour, but also my Lord..."
Charlie "I once was blind, but now I see..."
Dani "The Lord began to change my life..."
Eddie "...God has changed my heart..."
Gabby "...this is the best news ever..."
James "I want to follow Christ in all I do..."
Janet "I realized God was still there, & would always be with me."
Joanna "God is working in my life...He is the Almighty God..."
Lucy "I poured out my heart to the Lord..."
Maggie "...I love Him for what He has done in my life"
Mariana "...I believe everything God says......."
Mick "I knew that there was avoid in my life..."
Nathan "I knew God's plan to save me..."
Raymond "I received Jesus as my personal Saviour..."
Ruby "...then i just called out to God........"
Ruth "...first time in my life I cried out to God"
Sara "...I know that He (God) is with me..."
Simon "I accepted Him (Jesus) as Lord and Saviour"
Tom "...I asked Him (Jesus) to become the King of my life..."
Megan "I thank God for His Word and His ways..."
Marius "The Lord is very good to me and I am so grateful..."
Michael "I’m looking forward to live my life with Christ..."
Janice "I was a new creature in Christ and I was saved."
Robyn "I understand that without Him I can do nothing..."
Timothy "I put my faith in Jesus, and He is my Saviour."
Bri "Jesus is my Everything to me."
Pam "HIS gentle voice spoke to my heart"
Anthony "I’m blessed in so many ways"