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Melissa Kindel
3/12/2020 08:32:10 am
He is talking about the church coming togather not the world and church . The church is dividing and needs to realize that we are all her to show people christ. No matter what chuch we go to or religion . It is all about Jesus not what we think of each other. The church has to be together to stand agianst he world. We are the hands and feet if christ. No matter the differences.
9/24/2024 10:09:11 pm
Watch this teaching about modern worship music and ccm. It will explain where todays ccm is leading believers. https://youtu.be/Y8wVs1CwqwY?si=tSDsNf1bUFBF7E_n
9/24/2024 10:26:16 pm
Watch this it will explain what is wrong with todays ccm and worship music and what is the spirit behind so much of it declaring a false gospel https://youtu.be/Y8wVs1CwqwY?si=tSDsNf1bUFBF7E_n
5/14/2020 05:32:10 am
This biblical assessment may not be appealing to most people but it sure is to God because it is based on the truth of scriptures and not man's wisdom or logic which Mark Hall portrayed. I sincerely hope he and all the rest of us Christians will take this reproof to heart and earnestly stick to the truth of God's word whether it seems appealing to the world or not. Let's allow the Holy Spirit to do His job of convicting the world of sin through the preaching of the word and not try to lure them in using manmade devices which will only succeed in making false converts.
11/16/2020 02:14:11 pm
Hello, I agree, with the assessment on this video.. However, I would like to see the original video, as part of my research into the "Trojan horse" that modern Christian music has become. I sincerely pray that someone might help me in this endeavor. Thank you.
9/24/2024 10:02:03 pm
Ccm is on the wrong track. Stick to the Bible
11/16/2020 02:23:58 pm
9/17/2021 01:24:29 pm
There are many churches with the same solid Bible preaching doctrine that DO have differences in non doctrinal issues. He was using modern language to make his points. I take it that he was encouraging those to put the small things aside and come together to spread the Gospel. You remind me of my wife, no matter what I say or how I say it, it is wrong. You should reach out to him in love and ask him to clarify and then if he IS wrong, explain to him why.
3/14/2024 07:57:58 am
No. Mark collaborates and worships with Catholics. He even shared communion with them at a summer festival, with the Pope on a wide screen. He says we're united with Catholics. Blasphemy! We are to witness to Catholics, not fellowship with them.
9/24/2024 10:06:31 pm
Todays worship music and ccm is going in the wrong direction and really not much mores secular music. So much false teaching from so many artist. Watch this teaching. It will inform of where all this music is leading so many away from sound doctrine. https://youtu.be/Y8wVs1CwqwY?si=tSDsNf1bUFBF7E_n
9/24/2024 10:31:42 pm
Here is a video about mark and teaming up with Catholics for unity https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wk7JR39QjTI
9/24/2024 10:23:54 pm
Check this teaching out about todays ccm and worship music it explains what is really behind so much of todays ccm and worship music. Be objective and pray for wisdom. Todays ccm is so much like secular music with a Christian mane and a false gospel. https://youtu.be/Y8wVs1CwqwY?si=tSDsNf1bUFBF7E_n
12/17/2021 12:35:11 pm
Hi. I hear where both of you are speaking incorrectly, but neither of you will listen because the real truth is unpopular. But, I listen to Mark’s music because I believe he is mislead just as I believe you are mislead. I also listened to your video. I am an open person and I believe that the truth will come out to the whole world soon. If you don’t follow the herd and are willing to listen to those you believe are outcast, you both will find the truth if you are open.
7/20/2023 01:36:12 am
I think you are misreading/misunderstanding what he is saying! Maybe you should reach out to Mark instead of crucifying him on social media!
3/14/2024 07:55:29 am
We are COMMANDED in 1 Jn. 4:1 to test the spirits. Mark has already been confronted concerning his fellowshiping/collaborating with Catholics. He even participated in a Catholic/Protestant festival and shared communion with Catholics, with the Pope shown on a wide screen. This is apostasy.
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